Saturday, May 21, 2011

Cape Palliser & a great ending to the day!

So much happened this day/weekend.. I needed to split the post up into two parts... 

....While eating lunch @ the Pinnacles, we came across a lovely German couple who suggested that we make a trip to Cape Palliser while we were here.  Not too far from our current location we were told so.... Doin' It, we decided. We loaded up into the Silver Bullet and decided to head towards our destination.
The Silver Bullet.

While driving down the highway, I was woken up from my nap (typical) to one of the girls practically yelping to stop. SEALS. EVERYWHERE. One seal was so close to the road, we almost hit it! Danielle stopped the car and we all piled out to get up close and personal with the seals! It was amazing how they all were just hangin' out by the coast. A truly magnificent sight.  Danielle offered to get a picture of me with the seal so I started creeping towards one when all of the sudden it lifted its head and made a sound that I could not imitate if my life depended on it.  I was so scared, I practically sprinted back towards the mini-van.  One thing I have learned here- DO NOT try and pet the seals. I guess Kiwi-seals are not that friendly. I don't know why it did not want to take the picture with me- I even offered to tag him on Facebook... anyways- over it....
No Paparazzi.

We continued on our way towards the Cape Palliser- and then I saw it. THE LIGHTHOUSE. I don't know what it is with me and lighthouses but my heart began to race and I got really jumpy. The sights were absolutely extraordinary. Once we parked the car, we read the sign that talked about the lighthouse and it said that we had to walk up 250 steps to get there! Well here went nothing.. 
250 steps....
(There used to not be any steps.. so back in the day- they had to climb up this mountain.) was exhausting. No matter how many Zumba/Pilates classes I attend, just when I think I am in shape here, nature always has a way of humbling me.  Those stairs were worth the pain and sweat though, the sites were amazing.. take a look for yourself! Even though pictures do not do this country and its sites justice....

Just another day in the life... had been truly an amazing day. It was so nice to meet new people- and any friends of Colleen and Danielle's are sure to be wonderful & they were. It was so nice to spend some time with Colleen and Danielle because they were some of the first people that I met on this trip through TEAN, and for that I am forever indebted to TEAN. Because we go to different universities here in Wellington, it can be really difficult to meet up with the girls. I am so madly obsessed with both of them- they both have huge hearts and are super fun and creative. Danielle is goofy and love-able with such a fun sense of humor. She is always down to have a good time and just really easy to get along with.  Colleen is wild and so entertaining and really has a unique style that is all her own.  When I first met her thru to today, I call her the "next Betsey Johnson" because she is just fun and not afraid to be herself! Danielle and Colleen are best friends from college so it only makes sense that I have the best time when I am with them... not to mention they love and accept the fact that I love babies are more than willing to discuss it with me... 

250 steps.. yet again.. was so sad that our trip came to an end, but after Cape Palliser and a quick stop to eat- it was time to head back towards Wellington.  Fun stories in the car and reminiscing on fun memories here made for an eventful and much needed trip.  Although getting a little traveling fix.. I am ready to begin planning my next adventure... why is this such a vicious cycle?!! 
With Danielle and Colleen @ the base of the Pinnacles.

Until next time- much love on this end! XOXO


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