Monday, March 7, 2011

Camera is backkkk....

Ok so excited that....

a.) my parents are THE COOLEST.. b/c I had to purchase a new camera after someone stepped on and broke my previous one.. so sad after skyping with them.. because I thought my blogging had to end with my last post... luckily it did not... thank goodness my dad enjoys reading my blog!
Me and Dangie!
Big Mike!
Love this guy!

b.) had a wonderful and amazing day...

After enlisting the help of my trusty roommate, Brenda-- we walked to NOT 1, NOT 2, NOT 3, BUT 4 camera shops to find a Nikon that I could get that would be similar to my previous camera! We found it for a deal and it is updated with a better zoom quality so my pictures should be extra special!!!!!

After these escapades, we decided to have lunch at a local restaurant called Hotel Bristol. Now I have been there previously and was not impressed with the service, in fact I was quite disappointed with how disrespectful they were, but I figured that experience took place at night so they probably dealt with some annoying people..

...Brenda and I decided to try out the $10 lunch special and Kumara fries (my obvious favorites.. cannot get enough of the sweet potato fries...) and I treated Brenda to dessert for her helping me for the previous few hours!!!!!!!
Beautiful inside.. 

It was quite lovely because we took our time and just chatted. I always love meeting new people and learning about their lives; their own personal path that brought them to where I was. I am a true believer in the fact that everyone has their own story to tell and because my major involves relationships and communication and how people interact, I consider meeting people sort of like fieldwork..

...the atmosphere was perfect inside the restaurant.. it was almost empty and we just chatted about our families and how thankful we were for this experience.. there is NOTHING like studying abroad.. it pushes you outside of your comfort zone: to meet new people, experience new situations, and just see other points of view that you might not have seen before.

Brenda and I agreed, however, how strange we thought how comfortable we feel here. I have heard horror stories about just how hard it was to make the adjustment abroad.. but here, I feel at peace.  The people are here great! This experience has been phenomenal thus far. Cannot wait to keep you all updated.

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