Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Taupo attempt #1 & back to the school daze...

Well this weekend was interesting.. the plan was to head north to a city called Taupo. Known for its beautiful lake as well as THE TOP PLACE to skydive in NZ.. I knew I was in for a real treat!! Skydiving has been on the top of my list of activities to do while abroad.. so last Friday night (after attending our classes..just tryna' be a good student..), my friend Julie and I boarded a bus @ 10 until 8pm to head towards Taupo. Some friends our ours from orientation had "booked a bach" aka rented a lakehouse from Thursday thru Sunday.
Harry Potter reference in the train station? Immediately brought a smile to my face b/c it made me think of 2 of my pledge sisters, Paige and Maggie P back @ Kappa!!! 

After a 6 hour bus ride, we were excited to finally be in Taupo; little did we know that we would be dropped off in what looked like a ghost town (not to mention that it was 2am on a Saturday morning). Good thing Julie looked up the bach number and address before we left because I had NO idea where we were supposed to go. We looked around the town and after many failed attempts to try and call a few of our friends at the bach.. we finally saw a (sketchy & unlit) sign for Cabs. About 15 minutes later as well as a $30 cab ride later, we arrived at our bach. Oh how homey.

Little did I know what I was about to get myself into this weekend.

Upon Julie and I's arrival, there were a total of 6 people up with trippy music playing. It seemed like I had just entered into what I would think would be an 'ecstasy trip' scene straight out of a Woody Allen movie.  After watching the boys and (EPIC-ly) failing to stop a 'chair-throwing competition,' (that left 3 balcony chairs broken BTW..) the rambunctious group of hooligans decided to crash. Approximate bedtime for Julie and I? 4am. No worries though-we had a date w/ fate at 12:50pm later that day.

So the next day (well same day, technically) we woke up around 9:30/10am and Julie and I were waiting anxiously next to the phone to call for our appointment. Half of our group decided to go to the Tongariro Crossing for a hike. We had to stay behind because we had our appointment. Sadly, the weather was not going to permit us to skydive that day. So we spent the day lounging around, watching O Brother, Where Art Thou and listening to our stomaches grumble--seeing as how we had no groceries and no means of transportation to get to the grocery store. What to do now?

Homework. Right--that was not going to happen seeing as how I could not focus for the life of me because there was not a quiet place to do it and some of the people there thought they should have a date w/ 'Mary-Jane' in the living room while others thought it would be a good idea to hit up the local bar or have booze delivered. (Keep in mind, it was not even 2pm) I could tell this was not going to be a very fun weekend for me :)

After going to bed that night--Julie and I were still thinking (positively) that we would skydive the next day (Sunday). Right we all got up and cooked breakfast.. and the group set out again for adventure (this time, hot springs) while Julie and I waited by the phone. Still, no luck: weather not permiting. After trying to stay positive with each other (and episodes of going to the bathroom and crying), we decided to get some sightseeing in.  So our lovely friend, Jillian decided to show us around the lake. No complaints with that.. even on a gloomy day, it was BEAUTIFUL.
Finding peace in a stressful weekend? Oh, the power of nature.

Once we realized skydiving was not going to happen, we prepared ourselves for the ride (in a janky van) back home. Our friend Mike was driving and I was just hoping to catch up on sleep in this 11-passenger ride o' fun. Well just when I thought the day could not get any worse, the most obnoxious person on the trip (and arguably on the planet...) sat behind me and he along with his friends decided to crack open a bottle of wine for the ride home. Once drunk, they decided to light up yet again and this time smoke us out of the van. NOT HAPPY. NEITHER WERE MY LUNGS. Then this obnoxious creature decided to beg the driver to pull over for photo ops.. okay this ended up being legit because I got some of the best pictures of the trip....

...however once back in the van and on our merry way- the tri-fecta behind me decided to light up once again.. when all of the sudden we see the lights and hear the familiar sounds of a cop car. They threw out their paraphernalia and luckily the cop did not see and/or smell it. However the driver did receive a $80NZD ticket (approx 62$) for speeding. After getting that situated, we were off on our way again.. this time I was hoping I would fall asleep and not wake up again until I was home.. 
Life is a highway...lesson learned the hard way this weekend.

...later that night, sleeping in my bed had never felt that good before. I was exhausted and just wanted to get a good night's sleep and sleep in because I did not have class until 3pm on Monday!

So I went to class and then the girls came over to plan more of our Spring Break! We decided that we will be attending the Bruno Mars concert in Auckland April 18th. Then we will be heading to the Bay of Islands where we will be going on a few cruises around the bay, potentially Poor Knight's Island as well as to the NORTHERNMOST part of NZ: Cape Reinga.. which is THE FIRST PLACE that I marked in my guidebook! Then the 2nd week we will head to Queenstown to bungee as well as see Milford Sound..one of the top site seeing places in NZ! Then we will head back to Wellington via Christchurch! We are interested to see the destruction that happened there from the Earthquake...

But until then I will be busy attempting to study for my test coming up as well as my 3 essays due before Spring Break. Essay #1 for my Sociology of Health and Illness Class: Analyzing the Dominance of the Medical Profession over women from a Feminist/Structuralist point of view while tying in aspects of socio-economic class and supporting my argument by drawing on examples of women and the medicalization of childbirth. Step #1 of project? Obtaining research data, articles, books, etc. CHECK. Wish me luck....
Will be locking myself in the library for days...

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