Saturday, April 30, 2011

Cape Reinga: Dreams Really Do Come True...

Today was the day, folks. Where all of your wildest dreams come true. I am not talking about college, nor I am talking about Disney World. I am talking about CAPE REINGA.
Cape Reinga Lighthouse

Cape Reinga is the northernmost point of New Zealand. It is marked by the meeting point of the Pacific Ocean and the Tasman Sea with a little white lighthouse perched next to the ocean.  It is THE FIRST thing that I marked in my guidebook, thus holding a very dear place in my heart.
It ONLY makes sense.

True Beauty.

Loving life.

To get to Cape Reinga, it was a 3 hour bus ride through the countryside. Rolling hills and mountains combined with an abundance of sheep was displayed as our backdrop on the way up the coast.  We had a few stops along the way, but Derek (our hilarious driver who had done OVER 800 tours to Cape Reinga) kept us all laughing the whole way- what a hoot. We stopped to do a quick walk through a forest where Megan and I got a picture with a beautiful native tree of NZ. We then continued our way on the windy roads through the picturesque countryside.
Megan and I.

Our view from Lunch.

All of the sudden, Derek said we were getting closer and my heart began to race... could this be that I was about to see this amazing sight that only months prior was LITERALLY in my dreams? Let me tell you something... DREAMS REALLY DO COME TRUE.
Can you tell that I am excited?

We made the trek out to the lighthouse and the meeting point of these two beautiful bodies of water. The rich greens and blues meshed together beautifully and we could not have gone on a better day! After taking in the views (and snapping some pics with that lighthouse) it was time to journey back to the bus.
Morgan and I.

I never wanted to let it go.

However, as we were walking back- I turned my head and saw a hill that people were climbing. Well one of my friends on the trip, Morgan had injured her foot and gotten surgery- so she could not make the hobble up. Megan, Hillary and Brenda decided to wait back with her, but I knew I had to see this sight.
Actually stunning and unreal. The picture does not even do it justice!!

After sprinting (LITERALLY) up the hill, I immediately looked around in awe. The tranquil sight brought an immediate sense of serenity over me.  This was the picture in my guidebooks. It was truly one of the most spectacular sights that I have ever seen. In the book/movie 'Eat, Pray, Love' when the author says that she wants to go somewhere where she can truly marvel at something.. I now truly understand. The scenery was absolutely stunning to a point that is brought me an everlasting amount of inner joy.

After making the trek back down the hill, the girls and I continued on towards the bus when all of the sudden it began to sprinkle, which turned into legit rain, which turned into pouring as we loaded back onto the bus. It was almost a spiritual feeling to me. Its as if the rain had waited for me to truly marvel at the scenery in the sunshine.

Needless to say.. I could not stop smiling for the rest of the day....

We then continued on our journey driving down the famous '90 mile beach' and sand-duning down a large mountain of sand... who would have thought? The trip had already been so amazing.... and it had only just begun... wow, is life good or what?!!
Sand duning. RAGE.

90 mile beach!!

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