Monday, April 4, 2011

Meet our new flat-mate 'Stuart'..and other tales of the week...

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel like you are dreaming/having a nightmare? Well,  it is as if my life epitomizes this statement every week... let me break it down for you...

4 'flat-mates': Brenda (who is awesome and my partner-in-crime), Katy (kiwi-mate... MIA for most of the time.. I think she has amnesia about where she lives since she is permanently located @ her boyfriends place)... Rachel (who I have come to love, but have realized she is missing some common sense) and Steph (infamous and known for being a slob/safe to say has absolutely NO common sense...)
Brenda: I don't know what I would do without you!!! 

Okay- that is the background.. now here is the real story.. earlier last week, I was startled by a text that I received from Brenda saying that we had a visitor: a small mouse that decided to set up shop here at flat 54. Later that night, I was sitting on our couch blogging when all of the sudden I saw Stuart (as in Stuart Little--it seemed rather appropriate!).. scurry out from underneath our main refrigerator across our kitchen floor... after screaming at a pitch that probably only dogs could hear, I calmly (sort of) yelled to Brenda. We decided we had to get this little guy out of our house... that night you better believe I slept with my door locked and a blanket covering the open area under my door with a fear of Stuart wanting to share my bed...

..the next day, Brenda and I were cooking when Stuart decided to come out and play.. Brenda and I screamed, followed by us jumping on our countertops and looking to each other for an answer or what to do next. I decided to open our door and wait for that little sucker to run out.. about 1/2 hour later, he did.. Brenda screamed, I jumped up and shut the door and we had a little mini celebration of cheering, noodling, and high-fiving... right... well Stuart was back later that night... so the celebration only lasted so long.

...Brenda and I realized that we needed to get rid of this furry issue... when confronting the other flat-mates about it.. apparently mice are not a big issue where they come from (Jersey and Boston...) and I would have told our kiwi-mate, but surprise.. she was never home.. she was not even aware of this.. Rachel said, "he is probably just coming inside because he is cold..." Right- well Rachel, honey, be my guest and invite Stuart over for a sleepover in your bed... (I think she meant well b/c she loves animals but I am not havin it...) then there was Steph.. who was WELL AWARE of the issue.. apparently back home in Boston or Colorado, whichever home she was referring to, she has lived with plenty of mice... well hate to break it to you Steph, but that is not generally how most people in society live.. WAKE UP CALL, IDIOT. Steph might just have rocks for brains.. Brenda and I are making bets.

After this, I decided enough was enough and I would have to take matters into my own hands. After discussing the issue with Brenda, I decided to e-mail University Hall to get someone out to lay bait. Phil- God love him- came to our house last Friday to help us with this issue.. I was at class and while Brenda was not in the room, Rachel decided to let Phil know that we 'don't have a mouse in our house..' That's interesting- I must not know what a mouse really looks like then Rachel. (Hate to break it to you, but Stuart jumped in your food cabinet and probably contaminated your and Steph's food.. enjoy your rice cake tonight... :)

When I got home from class that day.. I had a lovely e-mail from University Hall saying that Phil reported our house to be a mess... dirty dishes, rubbish (trash) piled up, etc. We should clean these things up seeing as how they could attract mice. I will give you ONE guess as to which roommates were responsible for my house being in shambles.. Steph and Rachel.

After being fed up, Brenda and I decided to do a MASSIVE clean. (Funny enough- we always find ourselves in this position...) So we took out all of the trash and recycling, did the dishes, wiped the counters, vacuumed, re-organized furniture, and more! 3 hours later.. OUR PLACE WAS SPOTLESS.
Clean..thank the Lord..

Feeling even more empowered, I decided not to be angry with our other roommates but rather spell out (literally) rules to keeping our house clean... (Brenda and I thought they were common sense... but obviously others do not...)
Now what the main fridge looks like..

Just sayin...

                                                    Hope our flat-mates can read...

Another thing Brenda and I have noticed is how some of our food seems to go missing... Interesting, b/c we decided in our flat meeting that we were not sharing food.. and I am pretty sure Stuart would not be strong enough to take the amount of food that we were missing.. Brenda's ham, our milk, etc... This all came to light when I decided to be a nice 'Suzy homemaker' and make blueberry bread for breakfast the next morning. (Brenda and I were running low on milk for cereal, so we decided on this...) As I got out of the shower and checked on my perfection of a dish.. I noticed an interesting find...
Dear Steph: I have caught you red-handed.. GIVE. IT. UP.

...that's right, Folks... the 'mouse' must have been back! Crazy to see that a rodent can cut a perfect square from my delicious treat...

THIS WAS THE FINAL STRAW. I was no longer going to be taken advantage of. Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice: I AM MAKING A SIGN FOR YOU, IDIOT. Thus my next creation.

So Steph.. QUIT snooping...

What a week it has been.. the roommates were going to be out of town and Brenda and I were going to have our clean house all to ourselves.. thank the Lord.. it could not have come at a better time...

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