Friday, February 18, 2011

1st night out on the town...

So even though my roommates had been going out for days.. I decided to wait until after orientation to head out on the town.. I wanted to make sure I had all my ducks in a row when it came to school so Friday it was for me. Lauren, my flat mates and I decided to go grab dinner and a local fish and chips place that was really good! I have been addicted to this side known here as "kumara chips" or NZ's version of a sweet potato fry! They taste similar but a little sweeter here. It reminds me of home and dates with Maggie and Matt @ Bubs :)))

A few girls from my TEAN program came over and I walked out of my room and my kiwi mate had basically invited the whole neighborhood.. I did not know who a lot of these people were but my kiwi mate is friends with a lot of people.. she is sweet.. I just had to introduce myself to a million people. With that being said, it was really nice that there were some familiar faces at my flat!
My kiwi mate in Pink.. what a hostess..

Lauren, myself and Julie!! 

Us with Brenda! 

Sam, Kelly, Lauren, Julie and I.. love these girls! 

After learning some NZ card games, we decided to head out on the town.. we went to this restaurant and bar called Hotel Bristol. Not impressed.. they charged us quite a bit of money for a round of juice. Just juice. If I wanted juice, I could pick it up at the local dairy (convenience store..)

Then we went to a place called Good Luck and that was cool because it was a lot more locals and sort of an underground bar. It is nice to meet people like that because there are a lot of places that are super American and these bars are just more fun.. tomorrow should be a better day though.. I am going with Lauren to her job shadow site.. she is doing journalism at Drake and wants to pursue something in music because she was classically trained.. so I am going to a concert with her and it should be a good time! Will keep you updated...  Love!! 

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